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Aluminium Foil Price 1 kg

DATE: 12 Oct,2023
To calculate aluminium foil price 1 kg, you need to know the current market price of aluminum foil and the weight of the foil you want to purchase.

Zhengzhou Eming Aluminium Industry, as a foil paper manufacturer, will give you a step-by-step guide:

Confirm the current market price: Check the current market price of aluminum foil. This information can be obtained by referring to commodity price websites, financial news sources, or contacting aluminum foil suppliers or distributors.

Convert the weight to kilograms: Aluminum foil is typically sold in rolls or sheets of various sizes. If you have the weight of the foil in a different unit (e.g., pounds or grams), convert it to kilograms. Divide the weight by 1000 to convert grams to kilograms or divide the weight by 2.20462 to convert pounds to kilograms.

Calculate the price per kilogram of aluminium foil: Divide the total price of the aluminum foil by its weight in kilograms.

Aluminium foil price 1 kg = Total price ÷ Weight in kilograms

For example, if the current market price of aluminum foil is $5 per kilogram and you want to purchase a 500-gram roll of foil:

Weight in kilograms = 500 grams ÷ 1000 = 0.5 kg

Price per kilogram of aluminium foil = $5 ÷ 0.5 kg = $10 per kilogram

Therefore, the aluminium foil price 1 kg would be $10 in this example.
Zhengzhou Eming Aluminium Industry Co., Ltd. is a professional aluminum foil manufacturer and supplier in China, can supply various aluminum foil products for sale.
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